Its time to reclaim, Rewild and rebirth the sacred sensual sovereign erotic feminine

New Collection

Check Out Our Latest Womb Wellness Herbal Collection

welcome beautiful

My name is Alisha, it is my honour to invite you to connect deeper to yourself as a Woman, Mother and Sister of the womb.

I am here to guide you on your path of expansion as you dance sensually between the realms of pleasure, power and purpose in Motherhood.

The womb Temple

A sacred space for women seeking to embrace their true feminine essence.

Step into the Womb Temple on a transformative journey of womb reclamation, trauma healing, sensual expression, and pleasure exploration.

Allow me to hold you and guide you as you awaken to the wisdom and medicine that your body holds.

I’ve got you sis!

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Sacred Sync™ Is a female run business for the awakened woman. Birthed on Guringai land by one Mama with a dream to provide holistic womb wellness for the women of her community.

Our aim is to support and empower you by providing you with offerings and guidance for optimal womb health and sexual wellbeing.

Here you will find beautifully hand crafted organic Australian herbs and oils, holistic cycle care, ethically sourced yoni crystals and sacred ritual tools for ceremony and healing.

Giving Thanks

I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of these lands, paying my respects to the elders past, present and emerging.

May I continue you to have your blessings to live, love, dance, eat, pray and practice on this beautiful sacred country.

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