Closing The bones - Postpartum Healing & Ritual

What is Closing The Bones?

Closing the bones is a postnatal healing, massage and wrapping ritual that exist all around the world. Using traditional Mexican rebozo shawls, energy healing, oils, herbs and sound medicine, the ritual provides much needed closure, comfort, relaxation and nurturing to new mothers as well as holding space for them and their emotions to be witnessed and released. It is also a supportive process for all women through many life transitions.

In many cultures around the world it is common practice to give this type of bodywork to rebalance and restore the new mother. It is designed to help speed up and enhance the healing process and changes that the new mother’s body undergoes after her baby has been born.

Considering the major changes pregnant and postpartum women go through, it is essential that there is a process in place to support the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing to restore her to a place of wholeness.

This body work is also beautiful to receive if you are going through a big life transition and want/need an energetic closure on a life chapter.

“A beautiful way to celebrate and nurture myself post birth. I would highly recommend to any new mother”

— Becky

Who is Closing The Bones for?
This healing is for you if you ...

- Are newly postpartum, or a mother who has never received this type of body work since having children, or a woman going through a big life transition
- Want to release negative thoughts, emotions and memories around birth/pregnancy
- Want to speed up healing post birth
- Want to recover healthy menstrual, reproductive and sexual health after birth.
- Want to honour and celebrate your self as a new mother.

Benefits of Closing The Bones:

- On a physical level, the massage, gentle rocking and wrapping helps healing by providing movement in the joints, muscles, tissues and fluids.
-  Increases blood flow & Relieves pelvic muscle tension and pain.
- Assist with mobility and bringing the organs, bones, tissues, muscles an ligaments into optimal position
- On an emotional level it provides much needed space to simply rest and be held, as well as for emotions to be honoured, witnessed and released
- Can assist with emotional release and trauma from abortion, miscarriage and perinatal loss
- On an energetic and spiritual level it can provide closure, a space to bring things to a close and move on.
- Post birth it really speeds up the physical and energetic healing process
- Connection to one's own centre and root of being to seal in leaky energy and bring you back to centre
- Deep honouring and celebration of the mother
- Relaxing, nurturing, healing, Improves energy and mood
- Return to cyclical living: Assist with cycle health & can help bring periods back after pregnancy

What does a session involve?

We will debrief your birth experience and set intentions for the ceremony. We begin the healing with a gentle postpartum yoni steam and womb massage. You will then receive a rebozo full body massage followed by body wrapping. Rebozo wrapping consists of tightening a rebozo shawls around various parts of the body, starting from the head and moving to the feet, with special attention being paid to the pelvis. Whilst in the rebozo you will receive energy & sound healing, then finishing with a ritual to close out this chapter and seal in your energy, so you can return to your day to day feeling renewed.

Sessions are held in person. Located In Sunshine Coast, QLD.

Your Investment $333

(This offering is also included in my doula packages see here)

Once you have purchased your session below, you will then be contacted via email to fill out your consultation & to arrange a date and time that suits.

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