1:1 Womb Offerings

why is healing your womb space is sacred work

When we connect & heal our wombs, we connect with the deepest parts of ourselves. We remember who we are and why we are here. We are able to move through & clear conditioning and beliefs we have taken on from outside noise. We can access our power to create and heal. We begin to understand what medicine we need and how we need it. We open ourselves up to new levels of harmony, pleasure and satisfaction.

Connected to our sacral & root chakra, our womb space is where we channel our drive, creativity, sensuality, sexuality, ground into our bodies and connect to our true essence, our eros. She is the keeper of sacred wisdom and the gateway between realms where we birth new life and/or ideas into this world.

It is also where we store energetic imprints and etheric cords from past experiences, relationships, lovers, pregnancies, emotional memories and trauma, as well as intergenerational trauma passed down from our ancestors. These imprints stay buried in our subconscious and somatic nervous system creating energetic blocks, sometimes leading to dis-eases in the body affecting our reproductive, sexual, and creative health & overall well-being.

As a Tantric Womb Keeper, I’m here as your guide as you activate and embody the voice of your soul, reclaim the power within your womb and awaken the pleasure pathways that reside in your body.

Together we will create a safe container to connect to your heart, womb and spirit to restore health and harmony. We can but are not limited to healing, clearing & journeying into your experiences with menstruation, pleasure, sexual trauma, fertility, pregnancy, post-natal recovery, loss, and/or menopause. Each session is uniquely catered to your specific needs.

I work with women in person in Sunshine Coast, QLD. Australia

honouring your feminine body is your birthright!

womb heart alchemy

Womb Heart Alchemy is a 1:1 sacred ceremonial womb healing journey using my hands externally in devotion to your temple body.

Weaving a combination of breathwork, womb & body massage, yoni steaming, and energy work, to support your healing.

The aim of a session is to invite you to cultivate a connection with your womb, to release and clear stagnant energy/trauma, to open your pleasure pathways, and to nurture and nourish your sacred body with deep relaxation to welcome a sense of inner harmony.

I can’t thank Alisha enough. I feel more connected to myself than ever before and this is the first month my cycle has been less than 40 days in years
— Lauren

Each session is unique and customised to you and includes support & continuation of your healing.

-For these sessions, I am located In Sunshine Coast, QLD.

Your Investment $222 | Includes 1 x 90-120 min sessions

Once you have purchased your session below, you will then be contacted via email to fill out your consultation & to arrange a date and time that suits you.

Who Is Womb Heart Alchemy For
This healing is for you if you ...

- Want to recover healthy menstrual, reproductive and sexual health.
- Want to release negative thoughts, emotions and memories around traumatic experiences (sexual assault/abuse/birth/loss)
- Are preparing for conception or newly postpartum
- Want to expand your ability to feel pleasure
- Want to release blocked energy from past lovers/relationships
- Recover healthy boundaries and self-knowledge
- Want to heal your feminine voice and expression
- Feel stuck and disconnected from yourself
- Yearn to connect to your heart, womb and body
- Want to clear old energy from your womb space
- Strengthen your intuition and body knowing

A woman who heals herself heals her mother, her daughter and every woman around her.